Thursday 17 March 2016


In our day and age we often don’t give insurance a second thought.  People always tell you that you should have insurance, and sometimes it’s even required... by the government, the bank or even your landlord!  Here at Toole Peet we know how important it is for consumers to be educated before making a purchase and we want to make sure you know all the great benefits that come along with buying an insurance policy. 

Let us tell you what insurance can do for you and why you really need it.

1)  When you get a loan, whether it’s to buy a home, a car, or anything else for that matter, banks and financing companies want a guarantee from the borrower (you). Insurance acts as that guarantee and, in return, gives you easier access to credit.

2)  Insurance transfers the burden of a loss from one individual, to a large group of people. By pooling together premiums, it allows people to pay a specific amount at a specific time, as opposed to covering the entire cost yourself in the event of a loss.

3)  Finally, it gives you the peace of mind that everything is going to be alright.

On top of all that, insurance professionals are very knowledgeable about loss prevention and reduction, and can provide lots of easy tips to help reduce the frequency or severity of a loss.

Every day you encounter risks that could lead to potential losses, even if you don’t notice them.  Talk to a BROKER today to help manage those risks and give you some peace of mind! 

Lindsay Wills, B.Comm - Account Manager

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